Hello la gang! Les Français·es à Montréal et leur intégration linguistique
Résumé :
La communauté francophone de Montréal est de plus en plus diversifiée. On peut donc penser que le français qui y est traditionnellement parlé change, mais aussi que les francophones issus d'une immigration récente en adoptent certains traits. Qu'en est-il? Cette conférence présente des résultats préliminaires de nos analyses sur des Montréalais d'origine française. Ces résultats incluent une variable phonologique (la prononciation du /a/ en fin de mot) et une variable pragmatique (les variantes pour ‘alors’, incluant le stéréotype hexagonal du coup et sa contrepartie québécoise faque).
Limburgish is spoken in the north-western 12% of the area in which the Franconian tone is spoken, where Cologne was the medieval centre of prestige. It was there, after the beginning of the construction of the cathedral in 1248, that a remarkable lexical tone contrast arose from the contact between the hundreds of highly qualified immigrant craftsmen and thousands of local workmen whose employment was related to the building enterprise. With hindsight, that tonogenesis can be seen as an experiment in pushing the conditions for L1 language acquisition to its limits: the tonogenesis occurred in declarative intonations, yet in principle the tone contrast needed to be available under all intonational conditions.
Unsurprisingly, the embedding of the tone contrast in the intonation grammar led to a wide variety of solutions, causing the dialects to vary in the number of intonation melodies (from 1 to 4) as well as in the pitch shapes of the tones. When focusing on individual dialects, a unique typological feature becomes apparent:
It is not possible to specify the pitch shapes of the tones: These vary with intonational conditions.
Importantly, despite the high pressure that must have been placed on infants to create grammars for what must be seen as implausibly varied set of phonetic forms, the grammars of the dialects known to date all conform to the model of Pierrehumbert (1980) and the assumptions of OT. The Limburgish data offer three confirmations of these models:
The star in T* is an instruction to associate with a *-marked TBU.
Edge-aligned tones align their (R/L) edge with the (R/L) edge of some other phonological constituent.
OT constraints are ranked.
With no basis in those models, other work added the stipulations for (a) that T* must always associate, for (b) that alignment implies association, and for (c) that some rankings are ungrammatical. The Limburgish data prove those stipulations wrong.
Today, the survival of the tone contrast may depend on the function of Acc2 as a local identity marker. In fact, this may be one route for tonoexodus. neutralizations would appear to occur through the generalization of Acc2. Another route lies in reducing the salience of the contrast: one case will be presented in which the tone contrast does exist, but is phonetically too subtle for outsiders to hear as anything than repetitions of the same unremarkable standard Dutch intonation contour. A third way out is through reinterpretation of the tone contrast in terms of consonants, vowels or vowel quantity. This will be illustrated on the basis of the Weert dialect.
L'enseignement des palimpsestes verbo-culturels dans les cours de FLE pour sensibiliser à la culture et à la phraséologie du français
Le travail doctoral que nous présenterons lors de ce séminaire LEdA explore les défis liés à l'enseignement de la culture et de la phraséologie dans l'apprentissage des langues. Il met en lumière l'importance d'une approche lexiculturelle, qui vise à aider les apprenants à comprendre non seulement la langue, mais aussi la culture qui se cache derrière les mots, en s'appuyant sur des phénomènes que Robert Galisson a appelés palimpsestes verbo-culturels. Un exemple de ces palimpsestes est "Faites la mûre, pas la guerre", une publicité de Monoprix qui détourne le célèbre slogan "Faites l'amour, pas la guerre". Dans un contexte d'enseignement hétéroglotte, l'accès à des corpus authentiques peut être limité, compliquant ainsi la compréhension des nuances culturelles. L'objectif de ce travail est donc de démontrer comment ces palimpsestes peuvent servir de ressources pédagogiques ludiques et efficaces pour renforcer la compréhension culturelle et phraséologique des apprenants. Cette étude inclut une analyse théorique, un corpus actualisé de palimpsestes contemporains, ainsi que la présentation d'un dispositif pédagogique virtuel développé à partir de ces phénomènes linguistiques.
Evènement ouvert à tous les membres du laboratoire !
Résumé de la présentation (en anglais) :
In this seminar, we will present SocioBaGS, a newly launched research project funded by the ANR-DFG joint funding scheme. SocioBaGS is hosted by the LPL and the Department of Language Science and Technology at Saarland University, and is jointly coordinated by Francesca Di Garbo and Annemarie Verkerk. In this project, we investigate contact-induced change in the nominal classification systems of the Bantu languages through large-scale comparative analyses and field-based studies conducted in several regions of the Bantu-speaking world. Linguistic variation and diachronic change are the foci of this project. By comparing diachronic changes attested in Bantu languages in contact with non-Bantu languages with those attested in situations of Bantu-Bantu contact, and using a combination of typological and field-based studies, we aim to show how processes of language divergence and convergence differ depending on whether languages (and populations) in contact share ancestry. Our team consists of researchers with leading expertise in Bantu historical-comparative and contact linguistics, the language and population history of the Bantu people and Africa, language typology, sociolinguistics, and quantitative methods in the language sciences. During the talk, we will introduce the members of the team and showcase SocioBaGS’ research program and vision.
Responsable du projet : Francesca Di Garbo (LPL)
Autres membres LPL : Alain Ghio, Sibylle Kriegel
Pre-speech gesture sequences precursors to co-speech gestures in adults?
Résumé : Speech independent gestures in 12- to 15-months old infants include referential (deictic and iconic) and symbolic gestures, which predominantly have semantic functions conveying infants’ intentions of achieving social goals; they also include non-referential gestures which are primarily pragmatic in nature, coordinating social interactions (Gupta et al, submitted 2024). Our findings suggest that these pre-speech gesture categories and their functions share similarities with those found in adult co-speech gestures (Kendon 2004; McNeill 1992). Thus, we pose a relevant question in this context – do pre-speech gestures lay the developmental foundations of adult co-speech gestures? To address this question, we focus specifically on the non-referential gestures in infants and examine whether they could be comparable to the non-referential gestures used by adults.
Co-speech non-referential gestures in adults (beat gestures), defined as rhythmic arm/hand movements accompanying speech, often align with prosody and have pragmatic roles to help coordinate social interactions (McNeill 1992, Kendon 2004). We found that non-referential gestures in infants are also rhythmic in nature (e.g. arm jerk, arm shake, bounce, leg fling). The have a narrow semantic range (to express emotional states), yet they have a significantly more declarative functions than any other gesture category, which help to maintain and coordinate social exchanges. More interestingly, we also find that these gestures occur most often in sequences with vocalisations and/or other gestures.
Thus, as a next step to test whether the nature of overlap between the non-referential gestures and co-occurring vocalisations in infants is comparable to that found between beat gestures and speech in adults, we used automatic computational multimodal sequence processing methods (Habib-Dassetto et al, in prep) to analyse gesture sequences in infants. Specifically, we hypothesise that (1) the overlap between infant vocalisations and non-referential gestures occur significantly more than it does with referential and symbolic gestures, and (2) non-referential gestures are ubiquitously associated with different types of vocalisations; therefore, the semantic content is contributed by the vocalisations, while these gestures only play pragmatic roles of coordinating and maintaining interactions.
Findings from this study will eventually enable us to test whether pre-speech infant gestures indeed are the precursors to adult co-speech gestures and that the pragmatic functions of co-speech gestures, in fact, precede speech acquisition.
Élaborer un corpus oral de natifs : apport dans l’apprentissage du français
Résumé Grâce aux nombreux travaux sur la syntaxe de l’oral de Claire Blanche-Benveniste et de son équipe, depuis les années 90 s’est développée une importante réflexion autour de la constitution de corpus et de ses apports dans l’étude du français parlé. Je présenterai quelques-unes des problématiques les plus significatives que révèle l’exercice même d’élaboration d’un corpus de français parlé de natifs : la discussion autour des notions de langue « authentique », les grands enjeux du passage de l’oral à l’écrit par la transcription, la mise en lumière de principes d’organisations syntaxiques au service de l’information et les avantages à garder les traces du "discours en train de se faire ». L’objectif est de susciter la discussion sur l’intérêt que pourrait avoir un tel exercice pour le FLE.
Lundi 11 mars, 17h-18h30 – Salle de conférences, LPL
L'écriture dite inclusive et ses scripteur.e.s.
Résumé Depuis la deuxième décennie de ce siècle dans la francophonie européenne – plus tôt Outre-Atlantique –, deux camps s’affrontent en matière de norme dans la morphologie du genre : l’un est fidèle aux normes linguistiques et orthographiques établies, l’autre encourage l’écriture dite inclusive, appelée aussi rédaction égalitaire, épicène, non sexiste, dégenrée, neutre... Les personnes qui promeuvent ces nouvelles pratiques veulent mettre fin à l’hégémonie des hommes que traduirait l’emploi du masculin dit générique et préconisent différentes pratiques rédactionnelles pour la désignation d’ensembles composés d’hommes et de femmes. Dans cette communication, nous verrons comment l’argument du masculin générique est mobilisé, et ce qu’il en est des pratiques des scripteurs qui s’essayent aux abréviations du type les chercheur.e.s.