State of the art of ‘graded resources’ for foreign language teaching

We are pleased to announce the publication of the latest article by Núria Gala (LPL-AMU) in collaboration with Thomas François from the Centre for Automatic Language Processing (CENTAL UCL) in the International Journal of Applied Linguistics :

Reference: Thomas François, Núria Gala. Graded resources for learning and teaching foreign languages. ITL - International Journal of Applied Linguistics, 2024, ⟨10.1075/itl.00024.fra⟩. ⟨hal-04697842⟩

Article on the publisher's website (restricted access):

Reference on HAL:

Innovative resources for teaching vocabulary have emerged during the last decades, among which the so-called ‘graded resources’, i.e. lexicons or inventories where linguistic forms have been associated with a difficulty level, having in mind a target reader. The idea of ‘grading’ in Education is not new and has evolved over time: vocabulary or text scales (grades) have been approached as an educational tool with the means available at each period of time. In this survey, our aim is to show how current approaches of graded resources for foreign language learning are rooted in the tradition of building frequency lists for education. We then synthesize the body of work that has been undertaken to design graduated resources, highlighting the different methodologies applied as well as existing resources.


Credits: Image by freepik (ed.)

T is for Treu, but how do you pronounce that?

We are happy to announce that Pauline Welby, LPL member and research associate at the Interdisciplinary laboratory for research in education (Univ. of New Caledonia), has just been awarded funding as part of the Australia-France 2024 collaborative research program. This is a joint funding from the French Embassy in Australia and the Australian Academy of Social Sciences. The program aims to support interdisciplinary research that addresses contemporary societal challenges and strengthens links between Australia, France and the Pacific region.

The project “T is for Treu, but how do you pronounce that? Integrating pronunciation respellings into multimodal language learning resources” aims to help teachers and heritage learners of the Drehu language, spoken by the indigenous Kanak people of New Caledonia, to correctly pronounce words by addressing conflicts between written and spoken language. Specifically, the project focuses on the word ‘treu’, which means ‘moon’ in Drehu. The challenge is that the pronunciation of ‘treu’ may be influenced by the French language, leading to incorrect pronunciation.

To overcome this challenge, the research team will develop tools and resources that provide pronunciation respellings based on French orthography. These tools will be integrated into multimedia texts to assist learners in understanding and pronouncing Drehu words accurately. The project builds on previous research efforts and aims to preserve and promote the linguistic diversity of the region.

Partners: Aix Marseille University, CNRS, Laboratoire Parole et Langage ; University Paris 3/INALCO ; University of New Caledonia ; University of South Australia ; Flinders University (Australia)


More information:

Link to an interactive alphabet book in Drehu:




Credits: P. Welby

Class, heart, body in the time of Covid or how to maintain social links during lockdown

Catherine David and Marion Tellier (LPL/AMU) have just published an article in the latest issue of the journal Les Langues Modernes which proposes feedback and solutions for language teaching in times of lockdown.

Catherine David, Marion Tellier. Cours, coeur, corps au temps du Covid ou comment maintenir le lien à distance. Les Langues Modernes, Association des professeurs de langues vivantes (APLV), 2021, Confinement et enseignement-apprentissage des langues - 1. Confinement et langues : choc collectif et solutions, 4 (1). ⟨hal-03693203⟩

Full text article (in French):
Journal website:

Because of Covid-19 we were confined behind our screens which resulted in disrupting the dynamics and class atmosphere. Despite or thanks to the distance, we have worked to maintain the previously created link. This article relates an experience with multilingual students in FFL courses at the University of Aix-Marseille during the lockdown period of spring 2020. It questions the use of multimodal resources to maintain interactive contact, enrich exchanges and stimulate the pleasure of learning together. It is structured in three parts : 1) planning online lessons, 2) maintaining group dynamics and 3) the place of the body and sensations in online class.


Credits: Visioconférence photo créé par DCStudio -


Special issue dedicated to the RANACLES 2019 Congress

The journal “Mélanges du CRAPEL” has just published a thematic issue on Interactions in language (resource) centers following the 27th RANACLES Congress organized by the LPL and LERMA in 2019.

The issue was coordinated by Amélie Leconte and Marco Cappellini from LPL and by Anne Chateau and Maud Ciekanski from ATILF.

Link to the special issue (full text in French) : Mélanges Crapel - ATILF | CNRS-UL -> go to « Derniers numéros parus » (last issues)

These gestures that matter for language learning

"The Conversation" publishes a new article by Marion Tellier (LPL / AMU) which discusses here the positive effects of gestures and body techniques in the learning of foreign languages!

Link to article (in French): Ces gestes qui comptent pour l’apprentissage des langues (

Link to her last article about the role of the body in distance learning (April 2021, in French): Le corps a-t-il encore sa place dans l’enseignement à distance ? (


Credits: Andrea Piacquadio /Pexels, CC BY

New year starts under the sign of FFL didactics

Multimodality and multi-media for teaching and learning foreign languages

On January 8, the ASDIFLE Study Day will take place, co-organized by the LPL. This online day will bring together 5 speakers (Régine Llorca, Malory Leclere, Pauline Beaupoil, Nicolas Guichon and Marco Cappellini) around the theme of multimodality in the teaching and learning of foreign languages. 500 participants from 50 different countries are expected for the event which follows a professional day on the same theme, organized in Paris in January 2020.

To go further:
Contact at the LPL: Marion Tellier

Project ANR CoDyFLE accepted!

The LPL is pleased to announce that the project “Conversational Dynamics in multimodal computer-mediated communication for Foreign Language Education” (CoDyFLE) led by Marco Cappellini (LPL / AMU) as part of the ANR 2019 call “Networking European or International Scientists ”(MRSEI) was selected by the selection committee.

Among its partners, this project has the following institutions: Clermont University - Auvergne - Language Research Laboratory, Trinity College Dublin, Università del Salento, Groningen University, Universidad Autonoma Madrid, Universitad Oberta de Catalunya, Open University, Polytechnic University Hong Kong, Arizona State University, Ayni, 7-Speaking.

LPL members: Marco Cappellini (project leader), Christelle Combe, Marion Tellier and Brigitte Bigi