IMPEC 2022 symposium – Multimodal Interactions by Screen

IMPEC 2022 symposium - Multimodal Interactions by Screen

Space through the prism of the screen

ENS de Lyon, July 6-8 2022


On July 6, 7 and 8, the IMPEC 2022 symposium will take place. Following the exploration of presence (2016), the body (2018) and sensorialities (2020), the 2022 edition proposes to focus on the notion of space.

Christelle Combe, Marco Cappellini and Isabelle Cros (LPL/AMU) are part of the scientific and organizational committees.

Similarly, several members of the laboratory intervene during the event:

  •  Christine Appel, Marco Cappellini, Christelle Combe, Caroline Vincent : Hyflex learning and teaching : space and technological configurations for pedagogical activities and perceived presence
  • Caroline Vincent, Christelle Combe, Jean-François Grassin : Aménager un espace interactionnel partagé pour collaborer : le cas d’un séminaire polyartéfacté
  • Isabelle Cros, Marion Tellier: Construire et partager l’espace écranique en télécollaboration pour une autre relation pédagogique
  • Christelle Combe: Le spectacle vivant à l’épreuve du confinement : la reconfiguration des espaces à travers l’écran

The PENSA project: For an open and critical digital culture at the university

PENSA is a European Erasmus + strategic partnership project in higher education. It aims to develop the skills of teachers for a critical use of digital in education and to promote open and free digital uses among students. The project associates 7 universities (including 6 of the CIVIS consortium), a scholarly association  and a company. At the LPL are involved Marco Cappellini (project coordinator), Christelle Combe, Isabelle Cros and Sandrine Eschenauer.

After starting in March 2021, the project carried out the first training of trainers in June, the first online exchange between students from AMU and the University of Tübingen, and launched the website as well as the first newsletter.

The project gave rise to two communications at the EuroCALL 2021 conference and the RANACLES Congress, as well as a plenary conference.


Rethinking forms of presence in the age of videoconferences

Christelle Combe (LPL / AMU) contributed to the book Build interaction among screens. Forms of Presence in Research and Training which has just been published in the Ateliers de sens public.

The book is available in open access in an augmented HTML version, in PDF, as well as in other formats. The project, led by Christine Develotte, includes contributions from Amélie Bouquain, Tatiana Codreanu, Christelle Combe, Morgane Domanchin, Mabrouka El Hachani, Dorothée Furnon, Jean-François Grassin, Justine Lascar, Samira Ibnelkaïd, Joséphine Rémon and Caroline Vincent.

Link to the augmented HTML version:

Project PENSA funded by the ERASMUS+programme

Project Erasmus+ PENSA (2021)

Coordinator: Marco Cappellini (LPL/AMU)

The project "Pour une Professionnalisation des Enseignants utilisant le Numérique pour un Soutien à l’Autonomie et à la citoyenneté (PENSA)" adresses two current issues in higher education and society. The first one is the need for training and infrastructure to deliver blended, distant and/or co-modal (i.e. in-class teaching simultaneously streamed to online students) teaching during the pandemic. During the national lockdowns and when delivering co-modal teaching, teachers often turned to mainstream online platforms such as Zoom without being aware of the economic model of such platforms in terms of treatment of personal data. Moreover, some teachers reproduced face-to-face frontal approaches online, without considering the potentialities of blended learning to centre education on the student combining asynchronous individual activities and synchronous collaborative ones, in addition to frontal lecturing. The second issue is the need to educate youngsters to the implications in the use of social networking websites (Facebook, Youtube, etc.) at the psychological, sociological, economical, and ideological levels. In fact, the deployment of these platforms was accompanied by discourses of emancipation, were users were able to express and exchange their ideas online, thus generating more public dialogue. The reality shows a different picture, characterised, among others, by hate speech and racism, the raise of populism, echo chambers and sometimes illegal surveillance. Hence the need to raise students’ awareness about the logics embedded in those platforms.
The PENSA project addresses these issues with an overall approach of openness, both in the direction of open education and open source platforms. The core of the project is constituted by 30 teachers and teacher trainers in seven universities, mostly part of the CIVIS European University, one academic association and a firm. During the project, we aim at providing training for these teachers and to reach 100 supplementary teachers with local training events. Teachers will be trained to integrate blended and co-modal teaching in their classes, with the integration of telecollaboration and virtual exchange on topics related to digital citizenship. The core group will implement virtual exchange adopting either the pedagogy of inquiry, or a collaborative creative writing approach. Through these actions, PENSA will involve 400 students across Europe in developing their digital competence, plurilingual competence, collaborative skills, and learner autonomy.
The intellectual outputs of the PENSA project will be: a literature review on teacher training for the integration of ICTs and for education to digital citizenship; an open course for teacher training for the pedagogic activities described above; two sets of open educational resources to implement virtual exchange adopting either the pedagogy of inquiry or collaborative creative writing; open source functionalities for open source platforms for teaching and training, such as Moodle, BigBlueButton and Mahara, to make those platforms more interoperable and to adapt them to co-modal teaching.
The estimated results will be an increased digital readiness in higher education, a contribution to sustainable internationalisation providing guidelines to stakeholders for increasing virtual exchange and virtual mobility, and above all the contribution to a culture of openness both among teachers for open education, and among students for open digital citizenship, reducing the part of commercial platforms in higher education.

Project ANR CoDyFLE accepted!

The LPL is pleased to announce that the project “Conversational Dynamics in multimodal computer-mediated communication for Foreign Language Education” (CoDyFLE) led by Marco Cappellini (LPL / AMU) as part of the ANR 2019 call “Networking European or International Scientists ”(MRSEI) was selected by the selection committee.

Among its partners, this project has the following institutions: Clermont University - Auvergne - Language Research Laboratory, Trinity College Dublin, Università del Salento, Groningen University, Universidad Autonoma Madrid, Universitad Oberta de Catalunya, Open University, Polytechnic University Hong Kong, Arizona State University, Ayni, 7-Speaking.

LPL members: Marco Cappellini (project leader), Christelle Combe, Marion Tellier and Brigitte Bigi