SPPAS software rewarded at the “Open science prize for free research software”

We are pleased to announce that the SPPAS automatic annotation software, developed by Brigitte Bigi, CNRS researcher at LPL, is one of the ten software rewarded during the Open Science European Conference (OSEC 2022, February 4-5, 2022).

It is for the very first year and within the framework of the second National Plan for Open Science that the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation has organized a presentation of the Open Science Award for Open Source Research Software.

Website: http://www.sppas.org/
Contact: brigitte.bigi@lpl-aix.fr

Oral corpora: New methodological and regulatory considerations

The CORPUS journal published in its last thematic issue "From collection to tooling of oral corpora: how to access variation?” Two articles (co-) written by several members of the LPL:

The 1st article was born from a federating initiative of several national actors around the corpus of pathological speech in a clinical phonetics framework. Seven centers are represented: Aix, Marseille, Toulouse, Montpellier, Paris, Strasbourg, Avignon. The objective is to lay the foundations for the constitution of databases relating to voice and speech disorders to facilitate research on these topics. The collection of this type of corpus must be important to take into account the significant variations in symptoms in patients:

Alain Ghio, Gilles Pouchoulin, François Viallet, Antoine Giovanni, Virginie Woisard, Lise Crevier-Buchman, Fabrice Hirsch, Camille Fauth et Corinne Fredouille, « Du recueil à l’exploitation des corpus de parole « pathologique » : comment accéder à la variation physiopathologique ? », Corpus [En ligne], 22 | 2021. URL : http://journals.openedition.org/corpus/5677

The 2nd article is the result of work carried out by the laboratory's Ethics Commission concerning the new regulations for corpora (RGPD and the Jardé Law):

Muriel Lalain, Gilles Pouchoulin, Béatrice Priego-Valverde et Serge Pinto, « De la protection des données à la protection de la personne : Réflexions sur l’impact des nouvelles réglementations sur la collecte des corpus », Corpus [En ligne], 22 | 2021. URL : http://journals.openedition.org/corpus/5895

Link to the issue 22 (2021) of the CORPUS journal

Credits: ANR Speed-Vel / LPL