New article published in “Language, Cognition and Neuroscience”

Thanks to an electroencephalographic study, two CNRS researchers at LPL have shown that, in native French speakers, an accentual difference on the isolated word has no impact on its recognition. This result suggests that, for these speakers, acoustic cues related to accentuation are treated as noise and are swept out of the speech signal during the word recognition process.

Reference: Dufour, Sophie & Michelas, Amandine (2024). Does a mismatch on the accentual pattern of French words affect the magnitude of the repetition priming effect? An ERP investigation. Language, Cognition and Neuroscience, 1-8.

The article on HAL:
(Currently embargoed)



Crédits : Pixabay / GDJ


Challenges and new perspectives of developmental cognitive EEG studies

As part of the 80PRIME « LangDev » project and Estelle Hervé's thesis, a fine review of electroencephalography with babies has just been published in the prestigious journal NeuroImage. The article offers an overview of the challenges and technical and methodological solutions necessary to make the best use of EEG in research on early cognitive development. Other colleagues have contributed to the publication, such as Clément François, CNRS researcher at LPL and co-director of Estelle’s thesis.

Reference: Estelle Hervé, Giovanni Mento, Béatrice Desnous, Clément François. Challenges and new perspectives of developmental cognitive EEG studies. NeuroImage, 2022, pp.119508.

Fulltext article:
Article on Open Archive platform HAL:

New recommendations for experimental MEG/EEG research

We are pleased to inform you of the latest article co-published by Anne-Sophie Dubarry and Clément François (LPL) about good practices for experimental research using magneto- and electroencephalography. It is part of a special issue of the journal NeuroImage which was set up following the LiveMEEG2020 conference, also co-organized by the two researchers of the lab.

Reference: Good Scientific Practice in MEEG Research: Progress and Perspectives / Guiomar Niso, Laurens R. Krol, Etienne Combrisson, A.-Sophie Dubarry, ... Maximilien Chaumon. In Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 10 March 2022

 Link to full-text article:

Special issue “SI: Advances in Scientific Practice for MEEG research”: NeuroImage | Advances in Scientific Practice for MEEG research | by Elsevier