Class, heart, body in the time of Covid or how to maintain social links during lockdown

22 June 2022 par Claudia Pichon-Starke
Catherine David and Marion Tellier have just published an article in the review "Les Langues Modernes" dedicated to the teaching of modern languages..

Catherine David and Marion Tellier (LPL/AMU) have just published an article in the latest issue of the journal Les Langues Modernes which proposes feedback and solutions for language teaching in times of lockdown.

Catherine David, Marion Tellier. Cours, coeur, corps au temps du Covid ou comment maintenir le lien à distance. Les Langues Modernes, Association des professeurs de langues vivantes (APLV), 2021, Confinement et enseignement-apprentissage des langues - 1. Confinement et langues : choc collectif et solutions, 4 (1). ⟨hal-03693203⟩

Full text article (in French):
Journal website:

Because of Covid-19 we were confined behind our screens which resulted in disrupting the dynamics and class atmosphere. Despite or thanks to the distance, we have worked to maintain the previously created link. This article relates an experience with multilingual students in FFL courses at the University of Aix-Marseille during the lockdown period of spring 2020. It questions the use of multimodal resources to maintain interactive contact, enrich exchanges and stimulate the pleasure of learning together. It is structured in three parts : 1) planning online lessons, 2) maintaining group dynamics and 3) the place of the body and sensations in online class.


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