Special issue dedicated to the RANACLES 2019 Congress

07 September 2021 par Claudia Pichon-Starke
The journal "Mélanges du CRAPEL" highlights research on interactions in language (resource) centers..

The journal “Mélanges du CRAPEL” has just published a thematic issue on Interactions in language (resource) centers following the 27th RANACLES Congress organized by the LPL and LERMA in 2019.

The issue was coordinated by Amélie Leconte and Marco Cappellini from LPL and by Anne Chateau and Maud Ciekanski from ATILF.

Link to the special issue (full text in French) : Mélanges Crapel - ATILF | CNRS-UL -> go to « Derniers numéros parus » (last issues)