New year starts under the sign of FFL didactics

04 January 2021 par Claudia Pichon-Starke
Co-organized by the LPL, the ASDIFLE day will take place on Friday January 8, 2021...

Multimodality and multi-media for teaching and learning foreign languages

On January 8, the ASDIFLE Study Day will take place, co-organized by the LPL. This online day will bring together 5 speakers (Régine Llorca, Malory Leclere, Pauline Beaupoil, Nicolas Guichon and Marco Cappellini) around the theme of multimodality in the teaching and learning of foreign languages. 500 participants from 50 different countries are expected for the event which follows a professional day on the same theme, organized in Paris in January 2020.

To go further:
Contact at the LPL: Marion Tellier