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Closing of the PENSA project: Digital uses and skills in education
A sampling technique for worldwide comparisons of language contact scenarios
The Linguistic Typology journal has just published a new article of Francesca Di Garbo and Ricardo Napoleão de Souza..
Welcome & bienvenue au LPL!
We are glad to welcome new people in our lab..
Learning to read with Neurofibromatosis Type 1
The first European study dedicated to eye movements has been published in Vision Research..
Cancer of the Oral Cavity and Oropharynx: Advances in Assessing Patient Intelligibility
New article published by Folia Phoniatrica et Logopaedica..
Augmented reality at the service of deaf people
Automation of French Cued speech awarded..
Happy New Year 2023!
Challenges and new perspectives of developmental cognitive EEG studies
Estelle Hervé is the first author of a new article published by NeuroImage..
Speech disorders in Parkinson's disease
Promising new results for neurostimulation in early motor complications..
Call for papers: TIPA journal n° 39 (2023)
This volume will be dedicated to "Discourse, literacy and digital literature: what creative and didactic issues?"
SYSORI Project News 2022
Visit of the Tanzanian researcher Michael Karani in November to the LPL and departure on mission of Alain Ghio & Yohann Meynadier in Mbugu country (Tanzania)..
Stem cell injections to restore your voice
Antoine Giovanni participated in a clinical trial conducted by teams from the Hôpital de la Conception Marseille..
A guide for writing at school
Marie-Noëlle Roubaud has just copublished the book "A grammar for writing"..
Open House Day: 50 years of the LPL!
The Open house day is open for everyone on Saturday, October 15th, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.!
What babies' laughter tells us about their cognitive development
Chiara Mazzocconi has just published a new article with Jonathan Ginzburg in the Journal of Nonverbal Behavior..