Augmented reality at the service of deaf people

10 January 2023 par Claudia Pichon-Starke
Automation of French Cued speech awarded..

We are pleased to announce that Brigitte Bigi, CNRS researcher at LPL, has been awarded for the project "Seeing sounds with automated 'Cued Speech': augmented reality at the service of deaf people".

Funded by the International Foundation for Applied Research on Disability (FIRAH) to the tune of €50,000, it has been developed in partnership with the Datha Association (Parents of deaf children and friends of deaf people) and the International Academy Supporting Cued Adaptations (AISAC).

The LPL project team includes the following members: Brigitte Bigi (project manager), Núria Gala, Michel Pitermann and Carine André.

More information:
Elaboration of the first LPL Cued speech corpus (2021) :
Link to the Cued speech corpus (CLeLfPC) :

Credits: 2021 B. Bigi and M. Zimmermann