POSTPONED! COBRA young researcher workshop



This COBRA young researcher workshop is open to all LPL members and will be an opportunity to present the current PhD projects.

It will be held after the weekly lab meeting.

Program :

10.00 - 10.15 : Introduction
10.15 - 11.15 : Session 1
- Dorina de Jong : Brain markers of between-speaker convergence in conversational speech
- Joanna Kruyt  :  Theory of mind and conversation coordination.
- JunFei Hu :  Alignment of basic discourse units in English conversation
11.15 - 11.45 : CoFee Break
11.45 - 12.45 : Session 2
- Salomé Antoine : Brain indexes of semantic and pragmatic prediction
- Lena Marie Huttner : Categorization of speech sounds as a collective decision process.
- Emilia Kerr : Does prediction drive neural alignment in conversation?

Workshop on Bayesian models of cognition, language and speech

Workshop on Bayesian models of cognition, language and speech

Laboratoire Parole et Langage, 9 July 2021

Organized by Noël Nguyen, Nicolas Claidière, Elliot Huggett, Lena Huttner, & Leonardo Lancia

With the support of the LPL and the Institute of Language, Communication and the Brain (ILCB)


ILCB round table: Interpreting machine learning in hearing, communication and language sciences

ILCB Round table

Interpreting machine learning in hearing, communication and language sciences: why, how, and the current challenges


12.00/12.30 – Etienne Thoret (Post-doc ILCB, PRISM, LIS) – Deciphering the acoustical bases of hearing by interpreting biomimetic deep-neural-networks (20 min + 10 min)
12.30/1.00 – Philippe Blache (LPL) – Is language processing incremental? A comparison between Transformer and RNN-based language models and their ability to model human language processing.  (20 min + 10 min)
1.00/1.30 – Ronan Sicre (LIS) – Visual interpretability of deep neural networks: a brief overview.  (20 min + 10 min)
1.30/1.45 – Adrià Torrens (University of Ostrava) Building a grammar for gradient linguistic evaluative expressions: Do Machine learning, neuronal networks, and deep learning help? (10 min + 5min)
1.45/2.30 – Discussion (45 min)

More information: Events | ILCB

Phonological Networks (‘PhoNet’) Workshop

Phonological Networks (‘PhoNet’) Workshop

Wednesday, 12/02/2020
LPL, conference room B011, Aix-en-Provence
Free entrance - accès libre (1.30 pm - 7 pm)

Organisers: Kristof Strijkers & Friedemann Pulvermüller

Objective: The objective of this workshop is two-fold: (1) to present and discuss the motivating questions, underlying theories, research objective and work program of the recently started joint French-German grant entitled ‘Phonological Networks in Speech Production and Perception’ (PhoNet), which is co-funded by the ANR and DFG (FRAL grant), and (2) to obtain input, comments and advice from international experts in psycho- and neurolinguistics.

The PhoNet project addresses the questions (i) whether the phonological brain networks recruited in speaking versus in listening to speech are the same or different, (ii) how these phonological networks interact with semantic and pragmatic neuronal circuits in speech production and understanding. A series of neuroimaging experiments will be presented which systematically compare within the same brains the spatial and temporal correlates elicited by specific phoneme categories during word production and word perception in different semantic and pragmatic contexts. Our invited experts, Dres. Pickering,  Fadiga and Hartsuiker will provide feedback on these proposed experiments as well as on the general theoretical framework of the project. The opening workshop will be framed by keynote lectures by our international experts on topics related to the current project.


• 10h00 – 12h00:  Internal meeting to discuss research plan, fine-tuning and logistics of the PhoNet project.

12h00 – 13h30: Lunch

• 13h30 – 13h40: Welcome word

• 13h40 – 14h20: Keynote lecture by Robert Hartsuiker (Ghent University, Belgium): Effects of lexical status and lexical context on phonological speech errors in L1 and L2

PhoNet: Theory and strategy

• 14h20 – 14h45: Friedemann Pulvermüller (Free University Berlin, Germany): ‘Phoneme-specific neuronal circuits in language perception and understanding’

• 14h45 – 15h10: Kristof Strijkers (CNRS, LPL & AMU, France): ‘Phonological Networks in Speech Production and Perception: the same or different?’

15h10 – 15h30: Coffee break

• 15h30 – 16h10: Keynote lecture by Luciano Fadiga (IIT, University of Ferrara, Italy): ‘Speaking Brains’

PhoNet: Experiments

• 16h10 – 16h35: Xenia Dmitrieva (LPL & AMU, France): ‘Comparing phoneme categories in word production and perception with fMRI’

• 16h35 – 17h00: Amie Fairs (LPL & AMU, France): ‘Does the brain recruit the same word representations across language  behaviors? A registered report MEG study comparing word production and perception.’

• 17h00 – 17h25: Isabella Boux (Free University Berlin, Germany): ‘Phonological networks in pragmatic speech production and perception’

• 17h25 – 18h00:  Comments and discussion on the PhoNet project

18h00 – 18h20: Coffee break

• 18h20 – 19h00: Keynote lecture by Martin Pickering (University of Edinburgh, UK) Title: What do listeners predict?

20h: Dinner (Aquabella, Aix-en-Provence)

Special thanks to the Institute of Language, Communication and the Brain (ILCB) and the Conversational Brains network (CoBra).


Special ILCB Workshop « Speech, Language and the Brain »

Special ILCB Workshop “Speech, Language and the Brain”
May 14, 2019
Salle des Voûtes – Faculté St. Charles Marseille

Sonja Kotz
Dept. of Neuropsychology and Psychopharmacology, Maastricht University
Ken Pugh
President and Director of Research at Haskins Laboratories
Anne-Lise Giraud
University of Geneva
Karsten Steinhauer
School of Communication Sciences and Disorders, Faculty of Medicine, McGill University

• 9h – 9h45 Prof. Sonja Kotz : Cortico-subcortico-cortical circuitry involvement in perception and speech
• 9h45 – 10h30 Prof. Kenneth R. Pugh : Building the literate brain: How learning to read depends upon, and changes, brain organization for spoken language.
• 11h – 11h45 Prof. Anne-Lise Giraud : Speech processing with (and without) cortical oscillations
• 11h45 – 12h30 Prof. Karsten Steinhauer : Eliciting ERP components for morphosyntactic agreement mismatches in grammatical sentences
• 12h30 à 14h Lunch

Confirm attendance (mandatory) by sending an email to