European Performing Science Night

Led by the Fundació Èpica-La Fura dels Baus and with the participation of the LPL (AMU-CNRS-ILCB) and four other partners, a research team will organize several events during the prestigious European Research Night on 24 September 2021, in Badalone (Catalonia).

The project - co-financed under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions - aims to bring scientists closer to the general public through an innovative language based on the performing arts and new language tools for researchers.

European Performing Science Night project website: EPSN – European Performing Science Night (

Published articles (

August 30:

June 7:

Call for participation for the “European Performing Science Night”

Led by the Fundació Èpica-La Fura dels Baus and with the participation of the LPL (AMU-CNRS-ILCB) and four other partners, a research team will organize several events during the prestigious European Research Night on 24 September 2021, in Badalone (Catalonia). The project - co-financed under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions - aims to bring scientists closer to the general public through an innovative language based on the performing arts and new language tools for researchers.

For the first workshop to be held from June 29 to July 1, three members of the LPL and of the LPP Paris will be present in Badalone: Clément François (LPL), Thierry Legou (LPL) and Léonardo Lancia (LPP).

A call for participation has been launched for artists, scientists and technologists for our new face-to-face workshop which will take place at the Fundación Épica La Fura dels Baus from September 13 to 25.

Call for participation open from June 7 to July 15: Open Call September – EPSN (

Contact at the LPL: Clément François

European Performing Science Night project website: EPSN – European Performing Science Night (

21th scientific meeting between researchers and school teachers

Scientific meeting between researchers and school teachers

Language production and acquisition

May 19,  2021

Laboratoire Parole et Langage, 5 avenue Pasteur – 13100 Aix-en-Provence


[Access only for school professors who are registered by  Aix-Marseille regional education authority]


Conferences at Popular University (UPOP) of Marseille

UPOP highly attractive to (young) researchers at LPL

The Popular University of Marseille-Métropole (UPOP) has resumed its “Language” conference cycle and is once again welcoming LPL specialists this academic year. All the lectures are freely accessible by videoconference on the day of the intervention, and also generally by podcast on the UPOP Youtube channel.

Program 2020/2021 (conferences in French language):

07/12 Emilie Lebreton: L’accès au(x) français par des personnes migrantes

14/12 Christine Meunier: Comment reconnait-on la voix d’autrui ?

18/01 Núria Gala: Vaincre les difficultés de lecture et compréhension de textes

25/01 Mary Amoyal: Le sourire en sciences du langage

22/03 Médéric Gasquet-Cyrus: Discrimination à l’accent

29/03 Médéric Gasquet-Cyrus: Le « poids » des mots

CANCELLED until further notice | LPL invited to the Popular University of Marseille

UPOP Marseille
Program 2019/2020

Lecture series "Language" (titles and conferences in French):

Monday, Feb 3: Marion Tellier - Pourquoi fait-on des gestes quand on parle ?

Monday, March 23: Mary Amoyal - Sourire pour communiquer

Monday, May 25: Leila Boutora - La langue des signes

Monday, June 8 and 15: Médéric Gasquet-Cyrus - Construction (et déconstruction) de la langue française

Monday, June 22: Nuria Gala - Lisibilité des textes : l’apprentissage de la lecture et des langues

For those who do not know the UPOP: it regularly offers conferences and debates on a wide variety of scientific questions - free of charge, open to everyone without any preconditions!