Look back at the first workshop of the “European Performing Science Night”

30 August 2021 par Claudia Pichon-Starke
The final event will take place in Badalone in Catalonia on September 24 and 25, as part of the European Researchers Night..

The Fundació Èpica-La Fura dels Baus has just published the video made during the first preparation workshop and also filmed interviews with the partners of the event, including Clément François from the LPL.

As a reminder, four members of the LPL and LPP - Clément François, Philippe Blache, Thierry Legou and Léonardo Lancia - were present in Badalone at the first preparatory workshop which was held from June 29 to July 1. They will return on September 12 to prepare for the artistic performance, debates and scientific demos that will take place in the Catalan city on September 24 and 25, as part of the European Researchers' Night.

Four doctoral students from the COBRA project - Emilia Kerr, Lena Marie Huttner, Salome Antoine and Dorina de Jong - will also be present to collect data (EEG hyperscanning & interaction) during the 2 weeks of preparation.

Event website: https://epsn.epicalab.com/

Video and photos of the first workshop:

Interview with Clément François (LPL): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9TSRQ4CNgOw


Events of the European Researchers' Night in France (also Aix-en-Provence): https://nuitdeschercheurs-france.eu/