IMPEC 2022 symposium – Multimodal Interactions by Screen

IMPEC 2022 symposium - Multimodal Interactions by Screen

Space through the prism of the screen

ENS de Lyon, July 6-8 2022


On July 6, 7 and 8, the IMPEC 2022 symposium will take place. Following the exploration of presence (2016), the body (2018) and sensorialities (2020), the 2022 edition proposes to focus on the notion of space.

Christelle Combe, Marco Cappellini and Isabelle Cros (LPL/AMU) are part of the scientific and organizational committees.

Similarly, several members of the laboratory intervene during the event:

  •  Christine Appel, Marco Cappellini, Christelle Combe, Caroline Vincent : Hyflex learning and teaching : space and technological configurations for pedagogical activities and perceived presence
  • Caroline Vincent, Christelle Combe, Jean-François Grassin : Aménager un espace interactionnel partagé pour collaborer : le cas d’un séminaire polyartéfacté
  • Isabelle Cros, Marion Tellier: Construire et partager l’espace écranique en télécollaboration pour une autre relation pédagogique
  • Christelle Combe: Le spectacle vivant à l’épreuve du confinement : la reconfiguration des espaces à travers l’écran

Language Resources and Evaluation Conference 2022 (LREC)

After its cancellation in 2020, the Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC) will open its doors for the 13th edition on June 20 in Marseille! It is the flagship event organized every two years by the European Language Resources Association (ELRA) and the Istituto di Linguistica Computazinale (ILC-CNR).

The local organizing committee is chaired this year by Philippe Blache (LPL/ILCB) and Frédéric Béchet (LIS).

Several members of the Speech and Language Laboratory will have the opportunity to present their research work (see listing above).

CLeLfPC: a Large Open Multi-Speaker Corpus of French Cued Speech Brigitte Bigi, Maryvonne Zimmermann and Carine André
HECTOR: A Hybrid TExt SimplifiCation TOol for Raw Texts in French Amalia Todirascu, Rodrigo Wilkens, Eva Rolin, Thomas François, Delphine Bernhard and Núria Gala
The Badalona Corpus - An Audio, Video and Neuro-Physiological Conversational Dataset Philippe Blache, Salomé Antoine, Dorina De Jong, Lena-Marie Huttner, Emilia Kerr, Thierry Legou, Eliot Maës and Clément François
Integrating a Phrase Structure Corpus Grammar and a Lexical-Semantic Network: the HOLINET Knowledge Graph Jean-Philippe Prost
PATATRA and PATAFreq: two French databases for the documentation of within-speaker variability in speech Cécile Fougeron, Nicolas Audibert, Cedric Gendrot, Estelle Chardenon and Louise Wohmann
The Speed-Vel Project: a Corpus of Sound and Aerodynamic Data to Measure Droplets Emission During Speech Interaction in a Context of Covid-19 Contamination Francesca Carbone, Gilles Bouchet, Alain Ghio, Thierry Legou, Carine André, Muriel Lalain, Sabrina Kadri, Caterina Petrone, Federica Procino and Antoine Giovanni

In addition, Núria Gala (LPL) also organized the Workshop on Tools and Resources for People with READing DIfficulties (READI) which will take place on June 24:

There is also the Smiling and Laughter workshop across contexts and the life-span (SmiLa) coordinated this time by Chiara Mazzocconi (Post-doc ILCB/LPL). Several members of the LPL will be present this Friday, June 24:

  • Are you Smiling When I am Speaking? Auriane Boudin, Roxane Bertrand, Magalie Ochs, Philippe Blache and Stéphane Rauzy
  • A Measure of the Smiling Synchrony in the Conversational Face-to-face Interaction Corpus PACO-CHEESE Stéphane Rauzy, Mary Amoyal and Béatrice Priego-Valverde

Finally, Pauline Welby (LPL/CNRS) participated from her headquarters in Nouméa in the scientific committee of the Celtic Linguistics Technology Workshop which took place today as part of LREC 2022.

Colloquium “No double-talk”

The Language Sciences students of the ALLSH faculty are pleased to invite you to the

Colloquium 2022 “No double-talk”

Come and discover the work of L3 and Master 2, on April 13 and 14!

See the poster

See the short and detailed program

INSPE webconferences about research in education: Daniel Véronique

Webconference (in French only)

Georges Daniel Véronique (LPL)

L’enseignement-apprentissage implicite et explicite des langues vivantes étrangères (LVE) : sur les rapports entre recherches linguistiques et cognitives et didactique des langues

This presentation will be held within the 8th edition of the INSPE conferences about research in education.

Registration form:

General Website:

CuttingEEG 2021

After the great success of LiveMEEG2020, we are delighted to announce that CuttingEEG 2021 will take place in-person :

CuttingEEG 2021
Aix-en-Provence from the 4th to the 7th of October 2021

(probable satellite events on the 8th)

Registration will open mid July. Note that the main registration list is usually filled within less than 2 days. So be prepared or be squared!

The registration fee will be 360€, payable only by credit card. (French labs: nous ne pouvons malheureusement pas remplir de fiche fournisseur et n’acceptons pas de bons de commande)

Poster presentation

This year we are introducing a new framework for poster submission. There will be 3 categories of posters depending on the stage of the study presented. Please read the poster webpage.

Poster applications will have to be done at the time of registration. If you plan to submit a poster we recommend that you prepare your application with appropriate information (see “Poster application guidelines”) and have it ready by registration opening.

Stay tuned!

The organizing committee of CuttingEEG Aix-en-Provence

Student colloquium in Linguistics at Aix-Marseille University

The BA and MA students of Language Sciences invite you to attend their conference entitled “Invitation for a journey to the heart of language” which will take place on Tuesday, April 13, 2021 from 9 am to 5 pm, on the Zoom platform.

Here is the link (active April 13):

In addition, we have the honor to present the poster for the conference, produced with the group responsible for thinking about it. You can download and share it to invite people on an extraordinary… breathtaking journey!

-> Poster
-> Program

Best regards,

Organizers of the conference, Aix-Marseille University

SFECA Conference 2021 in Marseille


Online from Marseille

50th colloquium of the French Society for the Study of Animal Behavior May 31 and June 1, 2021

This conference will be held under the aegis of the French Society for the Study of Animal Behavior which is a academic society founded in 1968. Its objective is to promote research in the field of behavioral biology, to promote exchanges between disciplines and encourage the dissemination of knowledge.