Official information from Aix-Marseille University relating to the closure of almost all university components (March 15th 2020, source)
Closure of the university to the entire AMU community
Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Colleagues,
Without waiting for the next ministerial instructions and in order to preserve the health of students and staff, I am sending you the following message.
Following the speech of the President of the Republic, Emmanuel Macron, on Thursday evening on the latest developments in the current situation concerning COVID-19 in France, the Prime Minister, Edouard Philippe, also addressed the French people last night, in order to discuss in some detail the conditions and rules to be respected in the fight against the spread of the virus.
These restrictive measures, which are imposed on everyone, are also mentioned in a decree published today in the Official Journal.
For several weeks now, our establishment has been preparing to deal with the situation we are experiencing today. Thus, with the help of the Vice-President Health and Disability, the General Management of Services and the Cabinet, I have set up a crisis unit, which I chair and which I now meet daily.
Within this framework and in support of the different structures of the university (components, central and common services; research laboratories), the plans for continuity of activities, administrative and pedagogical have been finalized in order to allow our university to function and ensure its major internal and external functions. These business continuity plans are now activated.
All the components and their teams are mobilized to ensure pedagogical continuity at a distance.
In taking office as President, and since the beginning of the spread of the epidemic, my first concern has always been the health of the students and staff of our university, your health, the health of your loved ones.
The personnel concerned by the business continuity plans will be contacted within 48 hours and informed of the practical arrangements implemented so that they can carry out their missions and functions.
I will not fail to keep you regularly informed of developments and their consequences for our institution.
Please take care of yourself and your loved ones, in particular by scrupulously respecting the instructions issued by the health authorities. I thank you in advance for your understanding and vigilance in the face of this exceptional situation.
Yours sincerely,
Eric Berton
President of Aix-Marseille University