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Accueil>>>Education & language seminar: Gestures and language learning
12 October 2022
Education & language seminar: Gestures and language learning
As part of the Education & Language Seminar of LPL, we will have a seminar on Wednesday oct. 12, from 2 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. on the theme "Gestures and language learning", room B011 of the LPL in Aix en Provence. A co-modality will be proposed, if you wish to be online, please register here:
Two talks (in English)
- Gale Stam, National Louis University, Chicago (USA) Gesture as a Means of Assessing Changes in Thinking for Speaking and the Effectiveness of Concept-Based Language Instruction.
- Anaïs Cauna, AMU, LPL, LPC, Ampiric: Embodied practice to increase L1 vocabulary acquisition by French children.