Visuo-attentional and reading skills: the look says it all

02 August 2021 par Claudia Pichon-Starke
Aix-Marseille University devoted a brief to the last article by Stéphanie Bellocchi (Epsylon Montpellier) and Stéphanie Ducrot (LPL) published in the journal Dyslexia..

In its July issue of the AMU Letter, Aix-Marseille University devoted a brief to the last article by Stéphanie Bellocchi (Epsylon Montpellier) and Stéphanie Ducrot (LPL) published in the journal Dyslexia:

Bellocchi, S., & Ducrot, S. (2021). “Same, same but different”: The optimal viewing position effect in developmental dyslexia, developmental coordination disorder and comorbid disorders. Dyslexia,1–18.

Link: La Lettre AMU N°91 JUILLET 2021 ( (p. 37)


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