The LPL participates in the Kick-off event of the Carnot Cognition Institute

06 April 2022 par Claudia Pichon-Starke

Labeled Carnot in February 2020 by the National Research Agency (ANR), the Cognition Institute is a nationwide Institute for developing research/business partnerships in the thematic field of cognition. It brings together 22 laboratories and research units – including the LPL – throughout France.

The official launch event was postponed due to the health situation and finally took place face-to-face on April 6-7, 2022. The LPL was represented over the two days by a delegation of several of its members (L. Prévot, N. Gala, C. Pattamadilok, C. Pichon-Starke).

The Institute’s Website: Institut Cognition (