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Accueil>>L'agenda>Table ronde ILCB : Interpreting machine learning in hearing, communication and language sciences
11 February 2021
Table ronde ILCB : Interpreting machine learning in hearing, communication and language sciences
ILCB Table ronde
Interpreting machine learning in hearing, communication and language sciences: why, how, and the current challenges
Programme :
12h/12h30 – Etienne Thoret (Post-doc ILCB, PRISM, LIS) – Deciphering the acoustical bases of hearing by interpreting biomimetic deep-neural-networks (20 min + 10 min)
12h30/13h – Philippe Blache (LPL) – Is language processing incremental? A comparison between Transformer and RNN-based language models and their ability to model human language processing. (20 min + 10 min)
13h/13h30 – Ronan Sicre (LIS) – Visual interpretability of deep neural networks: a brief overview. (20 min + 10 min)
13h30/13h45 Adrià Torrens (University of Ostrava) Building a grammar for gradient linguistic evaluative expressions: Do Machine learning, neuronal networks, and deep learning help? (10 min + 5min)
13h45/14h30 – Discussion (45 minutes)