30 March 2021 PhD defense Nada Dennaoui PhD defense Tuesday 30 March 2021 at 2.00 p.m. UFR ALLSH - 29 ave Robert Schuman - 13100 Aix-en-Provence - room D317 - building Egger Nada Dennaoui (LPL-AMU) Identités et pratiques plurilingues : les familles "mixtes" au Liban Under the direction of Sylvie Wharton Jury: M. FOUED LAROUSSI - Univ. Rouen Mme MARIELLE RISPAIL - Univ. Saint Etienne Mme CATHERINE MILLER - AMU Mme SYLVIE WHARTON - AMU 30 March 2021, 14h0017h00 Ajouter au calendrier UFR ALLSH - 29 ave Robert Schuman - 13100 Aix-en-Provence - room D317 - building Egger