10 December 2021 Language contact & Field linguistics seminar of the Master in Language Science (AMU) Faire le dictionnaire d’une langue minorisée: défis linguistiques, lexicographiques et sociolinguistiques Seminar of the Master in Language science (AMU, specialization Language contact & Field linguistics (LCT) Friday 10 December 2021, from 9.00 a.m. to 6 p.m. online via Zoom Program (in French): https://www.lpl-aix.fr/wp-content/uploads/2021/12/Programme-Séminaire-2021.pdf Webpage of LCT (in French): https://thelitex.hypotheses.org/lct 10 December 2021, 09h0018h00 Ajouter au calendrier Online via Zoom