What babies’ laughter tells us about their cognitive development

07 October 2022 par Claudia Pichon-Starke
Chiara Mazzocconi has just published a new article with Jonathan Ginzburg in the Journal of Nonverbal Behavior..

We are pleased to announce the publication of the latest article by Chiara Mazzocconi (ILCB/LPL) – as first author – and Jonathan Ginzburg (LLF Paris) in the Journal of Nonverbal Behavior:

 Mazzocconi, C., Ginzburg, J. A Longitudinal Characterization of Typical Laughter Development in Mother–Child Interaction from 12 to 36 Months: Formal Features and Reciprocal Responsiveness. J Nonverbal Behav (2022). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10919-022-00403-8

 Full text access: https://rdcu.be/cTdZe

In our study we looked at laughter development in mother-child natural interaction from 12 to 36 months. We showed that babies laugh less than mothers (and adults more generally) and that responsiveness to mothers’ laughter increases over time. On the other hand we observe mothers reinforcing child laughter similarly to other speech-like vocalizations, and adapting their contingent responses to the developmental stage of the child. Our study shows the importance of laughter in early interactions highlighting how its production and responsiveness to others’ laughter can be informative about the neuro-psychological development of babies.

 Good to know: Chiara will give a mini-conference around this research theme during the LPL Open House Day on Saturday, October 15 (information in French)! 😉

Image by micaelafioti of Pixabay