The LPL celebrates its 50th anniversary!

02 May 2022 par Claudia Pichon-Starke
Friday, 13 May will be dedicated to the anniversary in the presence of the supervisory authorities and the laboratory partners..

The LPL is organizing an official day on Friday, May 13, 2022 on its site in Aix-en-Provence to celebrate 50 years of institutional existence at the CNRS.

This day will be held in particular in the presence of Antoine Petit, CEO of the CNRS, Éric Berton, president of Aix-Marseille University, Marie Gaille, director of the INSHS, Ricardo Etxepare, DAS of section 34, Philippe Delaporte, research vice-president from Aix-Marseille University, Denis Bertin, Deputy Vice-President of the A*MIDEX Foundation and Vice-President of Udice, and Laurent Prévot and Serge Pinto, respectively director and deputy director of the LPL.

LPL 50th anniversary website (in French):

Event of May 13, 2022 (in French):

Press release (in French)

[Event only accessible by invitation]