We are pleased to communicate to you the program of the 7th edition of the Annual PhD Students Day 2021 around the theme “Sciences and Society”: http://www2.lpl-aix.fr/~jad/programme.htm
This year again, the JAD promises to be a great moment for scientific exchange and sharing. We will have the pleasure of attending oral and poster presentations by doctoral students from different disciplines and laboratories (FLSH, LIS, LPC, ILCB, BCBL, LPL).
We are also pleased to announce that we have received nearly 140 confirmations of participation. Thank you for your interest in this event!
The day will be held entirely online on Friday March 12 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on the interactive Gathertown platform, from which we will be able to access the poster sessions as well as the oral presentations.
Contact: jad (arobase) lpl-aix.fr