Impressions of the 50th anniversary celebrations of the LPL & the Study Days in Agay

03 June 2022 par Claudia Pichon-Starke

The month of May was very busy for the members of the LPL because we celebrated the 50th anniversary of the laboratory together with our supervisors, our “former” members and our partners on May 13 on our campus in Aix-en-Provence!

LPL 50th anniversary website:

Slideshow of May 13:

Then, a few days later, the LPL moved to Agay (Saint Raphaël) for three study days which marked the completion of the 2017-2022 five-year term, under the direction of Laurent Prévot and Serge Pinto, as well as the development of the future joint project of the laboratory under the aegis of Christine Meunier and Sophie Herment, freshly elected in May as well.

Slideshow of the Study Days (restricted access):