Conversing with a virtual human to assess the consequences of head injuries

30 September 2021 par Claudia Pichon-Starke
The CNRS press office has just published a press release on a article recently appeared in the Journal of Neurospychology..

The CNRS press office has just published a press release on the latest article co-written by Maud Champagne-Lavau (CNRS research director), Noémie Moreau (neuropsychologist and researcher associated with the LPL) and Emmanuelle Taché (neuropsychologist and former doctoral student of the laboratory) and which recently appeared in the Journal of Neurospychology:

Article: Speaking with virtual humans: Assessing social cognition in traumatic brain injury with a 2nd person-perspective task. Moreau Noémie, Taché Emmanuelle and Champagne-Lavau Maud. Journal of Neurospychology.

Press release in EN: Conversing with a virtual human to assess the consequences of head injuries | CNRS

Image © Maud Champagne-Lavau / Emmanuelle Taché / Noémie Moreau