Can we use the internet to study speech production? Yes we can!

04 March 2022 par Claudia Pichon-Starke
Aix-Marseille University highlights the latest article by Kristof Strijkers and Amie Fairs in the "Lettre d'AMU" of February..

In its latest issue of the AMU Letter, Aix-Marseille University devoted a brief to the latest article by Kristof Strijkers and Amie Fairs entitled “Can we use the internet to study speech production? Yes we can! Evidence contrasting online versus laboratory naming latencies and errors”. It was published in late 2021 in the journal PLoS One.

Reference: Amie Fairs, Kristof Strijkers. Can we use the internet to study speech production? Yes we can! Evidence contrasting online versus laboratory naming latencies and errors. PLoS ONE, Public Library of Science, 2021, 16 (10), pp.e0258908. ⟨10.1371/journal.pone.0258908⟩⟨hal-03417222⟩

Link to full text:

Link to the brief of the AMU letter (p. 39, in French):