Release of the last issue of the Études Créoles journal

08 March 2021 par Claudia Pichon-Starke
And second good news: The journal will join the OpenEdition Journals platform in 2021!

We are pleased to announce the publication of the latest issue of the Études Créoles journal:

Etudes Créoles vol. XXXVII n ° 1 & 2 - Studies of comparative constructions [All articles in French language]
Under the direction of Paula Prescod & Béatrice Jeannot-Fourcaud

This issue is dedicated to the memory of Robert Chaudenson, who died last April, swept away by COVID 19. Founder of the journal in 1978, he was successively its editor and director of publication until 2010.

Finally, we are pleased to announce that the application for Études Créoles has been accepted by OpenEdition. The journal - created in 1978 - will be available on the OpenEdition Journals platform shortly.

We hope you enjoy reading it.

Regards, Editorial team