2e Ecole d’été de l’ILCB en septembre 2019

01 August 2019 par Claudia Pichon-Starke
L'édition 2019 se tiendra du 2 au 9 septembre à Marseille...

Summer School of the Institute for Language, Communication and the Brain

Current Edition: September 2-6, 2019
Marseille, France

The 2nd Edition of the ILCB Summer School offers introductory and advanced classes in four core fields of Cognitive Science, reflecting the expertise of the Institute:

  • Applied mathematics, statistics and networks;
  • Neuroscience and behavior;
  • Language and cognition;
  • Computer science and machine learning.

Keynotes and social events complete this week of immersion, in the beautiful creek of Malmousque.

Keynote Speaker

Marc CAVAZZA (University of Greenwich)
Brain-Computer Interfacing to Virtual Characters

For more information, contact Julie Abbou: contact@ilcb.fr

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27 June 2024 par Claudia Pichon-Starke